Mission Statement
Friends of Wexford General Hospital’s mission is to fundraise and to help others fundraise to improve patient care at our hospital.
Friends of Wexford General Hospital was established in 2006. It is a charitable organisation (No CHY 17610) that acts as a conduit between the public and the hospital to raise funds to ensure that the community served by the hospital benefits to the fullest extent from advances in medical science. Friends of Wexford General Hospital are actively involved with the hospital management team on how the money fundraised is allocated within the hospital.
The members of Friends of Wexford General Hospital are from the local community, hospital personnel and supported by South East Radio.
The Board of Trustees is as follows:

Mary Kerr

Kieran Burns

Ciarán Sheridan

Madeliene Quirke

Linda O'Leary

Dr Aidan Buckley
Consultant Cardiologist

Eleanor Carpenter

Brendan French